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Catalogue of Gender-swapped Song Covers

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Catalogue of Gender-swapped Song Covers

" is a catalogue of gender-swapped song covers. 

Occasionally, people make music, and then wildly different people cover that music with wildly different sounds and results. I like when this happens. I especially like when it happens without changing the pronouns of the original piece. “Look into his angel eyes…” hits differently when it comes from a sparsely accompanied, gravelly male voice, instead of, ah, ABBA. Covers are neat!

So I made a big Spotify playlist for covers. Over time, the playlist got too unwieldy to manage, so I made this site. It’s much nicer. was built using SvelteKit and the Spotify API. Users can search via Spotify to select tracks. Once added, covers will automatically be tagged with things like "slower", "sadder", or "more instrumental" using Spotify Audio Features.

The form uses Svelte Superforms, and many UI components are from Melt UI. powers the backend, and the site is hosted on Vercel."


Eva Decker

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