made with Svelte


16-bit Virtual Workspace

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16-bit Virtual Workspace

"WorkAdventure is a tailored virtual workplace for remote and hybrid teams. It lets you create your own virtual 2D pixelated world and make your interactions more human - including "spacialized" audio / video communcations!

WorkAdventure is built on Svelte + Phaser3 (a 2D game engine). The complete UI on top of the game engine is written using Svelte, and most of the reactivity is handled by Svelte stores (both in Svelte and Phaser parts)."

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Movie:Hub Netflix-like Movie Database
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icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 753
Sentry for Svelte Svelte Error & Performance Monitoring
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Kumiko Kumiko Pattern Generator
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 2.388
Teamspeak Online Voice Communication Solution
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 1.406