Interactive Chaos Theory Visualization
"Welcome to the curious world of the kicked rotor, a physical system that thrives with chaos!
Step into a hands-on exploration of chaos theory through an interactive visualization of the kicked rotor - a simple mechanical system where a frictionless pendulum receives periodic kicks of adjustable strength.
With just a click, you can set different initial conditions and watch as colorful trajectories unfold, revealing the fascinating boundary between order and chaos.
Drag a slider to tune the kick strength and witness the system transition from predictable, symmetric patterns to chaotic behavior, with surprising islands of stability emerging within the turbulent sea.
This playground lets you develop an intuition for how simple mathematical rules can give rise to rich, complex dynamics - a phenomenon that appears everywhere in nature, from quantum mechanics to the asteroid belt in our solar system.
This project is open-source and built with Svelte."
Ilya Orson