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Svelte Pilot

Config-based Svelte Router

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Config-based Svelte Router

"Svelte Pilot is a lightweight, flexible, and feature-rich router."

  • Support for Server-Side Rendering (SSR) - Svelte Pilot can run both on the client and server sides.
  • Flexible Layout Configuration - By decoupling the relationship between path segments and nested views, Svelte Pilot allows URLs of different path segments to share the same layout, achieving high reuse of layouts.
  • Dynamic Loading - Svelte Pilot loads only the components required for the current route, avoiding resource wastage and improving the initial load speed.
  • TypeScript Support - Svelte Pilot provides complete TypeScript type definitions.
  • Simple Yet Comprehensive - Although the API is clear and straightforward, Svelte Pilot still offers a wide range of feature options, adapting to various complex scenarios.
  • Architecture Agnostic - Svelte Pilot is just a library, not imposing any restrictions on specific project structures or build processes, offering developers great freedom.
  • Lightweight - With only about 1000 lines of code, it is approximately 5KB after gzip compression.

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