made with Svelte

Stationery World

Online Store for Office Supplies

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Online Store for Office Supplies

"Singapore's largest online offices supplies store has rebuilt its frontend with SvelteKit. We have over USD $6M in annual transactions through this site with Stripe/PayPal as the payment processor."

  • Frontend: Sveltekit
  • Backend: Django
  • Database: PostGres
  • Cache: Memcache Deployed in AWS EC2 with NGINX proxying between frontend/backend routes. Database deployed in AWS RDS instance
  • CDN: AWS Cloudfront

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CheatGPT GPT-4 Study Assistant
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Papyr Workspace for Creative Writing
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Sentry for Svelte Svelte Error & Performance Monitoring
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Wellbeing Mapping Tool Interactive Visualization of the NS Quality of Life Results
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