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Data Visualization Components & Utilities

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Data Visualization Components & Utilities

"LayerChart is a large collection of visualization Svelte components and utilities, built upon the wonderful Layer Cake framework.

It provides a collection of useful but mostly unopinionated components as building blocks for a wide range of visualizations, such as cartesian (bar, area, stack, scatter), radial (pie, arc, sunburst), hierarchy (pack, tree, treemap, sunburst), graph (sankey), and geo (choropleth, spike, bubble, globe)."


Sean Lynch

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InfiniteGrid for Svelte Arrange Card Elements infinitely on a Grid Layout
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Svelte Spinkit Collection of Loading Spinners
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Sentry for Svelte Svelte Error & Performance Monitoring
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Svelte Google Maps Google Maps & Places Components
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 297
Svelte Swipe Swipable Items Wrapper
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 5.830