Svelte Splide


Svelte Splide is a Svelte component for a Splide slider/carousel.

You are reading documentation for v0.2.0 or newer.


Get the latest version by NPM:

$ npm install @splidejs/svelte-splide



Import Splide and SplideSlide components:

import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/svelte-splide';

and render them like this:

<Splide aria-label="My Favorite Images">
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1"/>
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2"/>

If you have the visible heading for the carousel, use aria-labelledby instead of aria-label. See this page for more details.


Select a CSS file you want to use, and import it:

// Default theme
import '@splidejs/svelte-splide/css';
// or other themes
import '@splidejs/svelte-splide/css/skyblue';
import '@splidejs/svelte-splide/css/sea-green';
// or only core styles
import '@splidejs/svelte-splide/css/core';

Custom Structure

Although <Splide> renders a track element by default, you can handle them respectively with the hasTrack prop and the <SplideTrack> component. In a nutshell, following 2 components render the same HTML:

<Splide hasTrack={ false }>

Separating <SplideTrack> from <Splide> allows you to place arrows, pagination or other controls anywhere outside the track in the similar way of vanilla Splide. For example, Splide renders arrows before a track by default, but you are able to specify the location with a placeholder:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
<div class="custom-wrapper">
<div class="splide__arrows" />

...or with custom arrows:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
<div class="splide__arrows">
<button class="splide__arrow splide__arrow--prev">Prev</button>
<button class="splide__arrow splide__arrow--next">Next</button>

In the same way, you can add an autoplay toggle button and progress bar like so:

<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
<div class="splide__progress">
<div class="splide__progress__bar" />
<button class="splide__toggle" type="button">
<span class="splide__toggle__play">Play</span>
<span class="splide__toggle__pause">Pause</span>


<Splide hasTrack={ false } aria-label="...">
<div class="custom-wrapper">
<button class="splide__toggle" type="button">
<span class="splide__toggle__play">Play</span>
<span class="splide__toggle__pause">Pause</span>
<div class="splide__progress">
<div class="splide__progress__bar" />


The <Splide> component accepts general HTML attributes — such as class and aria-label — and passes them to the carousel root element.

<Splide class="my-carousel" aria-label="My Favorite Images">

Additionally, it takes a few more props.


options: Options

Splide options as an object:

options={ {
rewind: true,
width : 800,
gap : '1rem',
} }

This property is reactive, which means if you change values, the component will also update your carousel. But do not change readonly options, or the carousel will be broken.


extensions: Record<string, ComponentConstructor>

Registers extensions as an object literal.


transition: ComponentConstructor

Registers the custom transition component.


hasTrack: boolean

Determines whether to render a track or not.


You can listen to all Splide events through the Splide component. The event is generated by the original name with converting the format to the camelcase and removing colons. For example, "arrows:mounted" becomes "arrowsMounted". You can see the event list in this file.

<Splide on:arrowsMounted={ e => { console.log( e.detail.prev ) } }>

Because the Svelte event handler does not accept multiple arguments, all parameters from the Splide event are packed into the detail object. It also contains the splide instance itself. For example, the detail of the on:arrowsMounted event includes splide, prev and next properties.

Accessing Splide Instance

You can access the splide instance from this:

<Splide bind:this={ mySlider }>

After Svelte mounts the Splide component, the splide instance is available on mySlider.splide.

onMount( () => {
console.log( mySlider.splide );
} );


Here is a small example:

import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/svelte-splide';
import '@splidejs/splide/dist/css/themes/splide-default.min.css';
<Splide options={ { rewind: true } } aria-label="My Favorite Images">
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1"/>
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2"/>

You can see working examples in this page and their sources here:

Migrating from v3

To migrate from v3 to v4:

  1. Read Breaking Changes
  2. If those changes affect your carousel, modify your code according to the migration guide except for "Slider Element"
  3. If you are using "Slider Element" or removed slots, restructure your component as described here
  4. Make sure to update CSS (now short paths are available, but old ones still work)
  5. Optionally, translate newly added texts by the i18n option
  6. Optionally, add aria-label or aria-labelledby to each carousel

Here is the list of removed slots:

  • before-track
  • after-track
  • before-slider
  • after-slider